Hi :) We're Matt and Kaci Taylor. We are from Riverside, California, we married on October 15, 2012, and are VERY much in love! We moved to Nelson, New Zealand on July 3rd, 2012. My husband has taken on the pastorship of Calvary Chapel Nelson and will be Director of worship music and Children's ministry for Calvary Chapel Nelson. We visited New Zealand with friends in the Summer of 2010 and Dave and Cynthia Swaney welcomed us so warmly into their home and the church. While we were about to board the plane to come back home, Pastor Dave asked Matt and I to take their place in 2 years as their visa will expire during that time and they would not plan to renew it. the 2 years has passed and now we're here!
For a personal background of Matt and I, please read on:
Matt & I attended Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside. Matt was raised attending Harvest and I attended Magnolia Avenue Baptist Church while growing up. We were both employed at Harvest Christian Fellowship, Matt for 8 years and me 3. He worked in the Maintenance department and I worked at the elementary school. Matt and I met at Harvest and began our courtship in 2010 and are now Married:) To God be the glory!
Matt and I have had a strong conviction of living a life of purity since we began our walks with the Lord at a young age. I was able to exchange my purity ring for a Wedding ring on our wedding day. It was so very worth it! We believe this is a powerful testimony and we give God all the glory!
We were both involved with the Jr. High ministry at Harvest, and loved it! I joined the ministry team there in 2009 and Matt joined last year. We believe strongly in Discipling others to follow Jusus and sharing the Gospel actively. In this ministry, we are enabled to reach young men and women through mentorship and personal discipleship. We're also challenged ourselves every week in and through ministry. We were constantly seeing fruit and were very blessed and encouraged by it. We also were so blessed to be able to lead worship for the Jr. High ministry at the Orangecrest Campus on Sundays.
Before Matt and I met, we both had desires to live as missionaries (Sharing the Gospel to other people groups around the world) and with God's grace, in these next few (?) years that desire has become our lifestyle. Matt & I aren't calling this next chapter in New Zealand a "mission trip" as we are making this move and ministry as part of our life. It's simply where the Lord has told us to go:)
Please, pray for many people in New Zealand to continue turn to the Lord, look and depend and love His Word, become disciples of Him and also to disciple others to do the same. Please also pray for Matt and I as we are very far from our families, have many responsibilities, and are definitely new to this sort of overseas long term ministry.
Thank you for visiting our Blog and come by regularly to see updates, pictures and ways to pray for the Calvary Chapel Nelson, New Zealand.
With love,
Matt and Kaci Taylor :)
Well hello Matt and Kaci. Welcome to New Zealand! My wife, Serena, and I have a similar story to you guys! Haha. We moved to New Zealand from California in October 2011 due to God's call in our lives. We live in Hamilton and attend Calvary Chapel Hamilton. I'd like to get in touch with you. If you would, please email me at riley.gerbrandt@gmail.com or call me at 021 934 170. God bless. Riley.